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12 essential life lessons we learned from The IT Crowd

Comedy? No. It’s a guide to living.

MOSS, ROY, JEN, Richmond, Reynholm – we miss you every day. But we will always carry your teachings with us.

1. You taught us how to act normal

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Works every time!

2. How to deal with an emergency

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Safety first.

3. How to break up with someone

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4. And speak to people at funerals

funerals Source: theitcrowdthings.tumblr.com

“Just say ‘I’m sorry for your loss’, then move on.”
“I’m sorry for your loss. Move on.”

5. You gave us this spot-on philosophy

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They really ARE though!

6. And let us know that sport isn’t all that great

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“This is the worst thing in the world.” We feel ya, Moss.

7. And anything can be breakfast if you just believe

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Would try, TBH.

8. Thanks to you, we know how to be intimidating as hell

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9. And will always excel at using the internet


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10. You taught us how to big ourselves up

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11. To respect grammar

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12. And of course, gave us the most crucial information of all

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Always :’)

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